Going Deeper with CNN: Understanding Layers, Nodes, Kernels and Backpropagation

Carla Martins
4 min readJun 21, 2023
Photo by Taylor Vick on Unsplash

If you’ve come across this article while trying to understand Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), it would be beneficial for you to begin by reading my previous article:


Now, let’s delve deeper into CNN by gaining a better understanding of layers and how they are interconnected and communicate. In general, there are three primary types of layers: (1) the input layer, (2) hidden layers, and (3) the output layer.

→ The Input Layer: serves as the entry point for the input data and prepares it for subsequent layers. This initial step may involve altering the data format and size to suit the network’s requirements. It’s important to note that the input layer is typically regarded as a data preprocessing layer and does not possess any learnable parameters.

→ Hidden Layers: refer to all the layers positioned between the input layer and the output layer. These layers are termed “hidden” because we cannot directly observe their outputs. It is within these hidden layers that the learnable parameters come into play and capture data representations. Think of the hidden layers as the layers responsible…



Carla Martins
Carla Martins

Written by Carla Martins

Compulsive learner. Passionate about technology. Speaks C, R, Python, SQL, Haskell, Java and LaTeX. Interested in creating solutions.

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